Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 3 on Day 6

I'm at home sick today and since we don't have tv anymore, i may be blogging a lot today.

Remember back on Day 3 I switched it with Day 6. Well I'm now back to day 3 which is about "my first love."

I could go in many directions with this, like my first dog, Penny. She was a love in my life. Or the first time I said I love you to a boyfriend (even though I didn't mean it). But I've decided to go in the direction that stuck out first when I read "my first love," and that would be Joel.

Joel and I met in high school. We were both in the band and happen to catch each others eye at one of band lock-ins. That night, I barely left his side. He probably thought I was a stalker. AS the days went on we began talking more and more. A week or two before I met Joel I had just said that I was finished dating for a little while since in high school I kinda jumped from one guy to the next and was never really single. This made it a little difficult when I met Joel because I wanted to honor my committment, but I also really liked Joel. But then there was one more problem about Joel...he wasn't a Christian and I was. I was reminded that God calls us to not be unequally yoked and therefore I knew I could not be with Joel.

So I told myself we would only be friends. Joel started coming to church with me and one night we were chatting on IM and I led him through the Roman Road. That night Joel accepted Christ. AHhh...I couldn't believe it. I would say about a month later we started dating. I had a few friends at church that told me we were still unequally yoked since he was such a brand new Christian and they believed we would not last long.

Somewhere within the first year of dating I told my mom that I was going to marry Joel. Then 5 years later on June 12, 2009 we were married. This Wednesday Joel and I wil have been together for a total of 7 years. Man, time flies. I know I left out a lot of details, but I think you get the idea. I will leave you with one more picture.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am SO glad that you are blogging again :) Love you girl!