It's Christmas Eve, probably my favorite day of the Christmas season. I love the anticipation you feel on this day and all the preparations. I love making cookies and wrapping presents. It's just so wonderful!!! Tonight we are going to my brother's house which is so much fun because I love seeing how excited my niece and nephew get about everything. Ryker is 3 this year and is just starting to understand the Santa thing, so this should be a really good year. Here is a little run down of what happens at my bro's house:
Christmas Eve-cookies are made for Santa. The kids write Santa a note and leave it beside the cookies. Then we treck outside to sprinkle glittery oats for the reindeer. These oats are spread all over the front yard. Then we all sit around and watch a movie or talk. Last year we watched Scare Tactics which is not a very Christmas-y type show, but oh well. Then it's time for the kids to go to bed. I help George and Michelle put together some of the toys from Santa and place them out and about.
Christmas Morning-The kids have to stay in their room until their dad comes and gets them, which I can't imagine having to do at that age on Christmas morning. Then they come out and each has a bag from Santa with lots of gifts in it. After the gifts from Santa have been distributed, it's time to pass out the gifts from each other. After all this we start breakfast. from breakfast until about 4:00 pm we just hang out and relax.
Christmas Evening-Then it is time to head back to our house where we have all our presents still waiting for us. I love doing it this way becacuse you start to think Christmas is over, but then we get to do it all over again when we get home. Joel will usually come over at this time(but i'm not sure because this year he will be coming out to my bro's house so he may need to spend this time with his family). Then around 7:00 I head over to Joel's parents house to do it all over again. By the time this is all over I am ready for bed.
I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!!! I can't wait to hear everyone's stories after the holiday!
Hello world!
5 years ago
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