When I was looking for a picture to put on this post I googled "strep throat" and after viewing several of the disgusting photos decided to go with popsicles as my picture so as not to gross you out. :)
So last week my monday my mom and I headed to Kansas to pick up some coils for some guy my dad knows. On our way back tuesday, my throat started hurting and I thought it was just because I had sang the whole Wicked cd the day before at the top of my lungs. So I ignored this little inconvinence.
But as wednesday came around I realized my sore throat was not going away and now I had a back ache which I attributed to sitting in a truck for two days straight. When My skin began to hurt I knew it was no longer what I thought it was. Thursday was the worst!! I layed on the couch all day...my mom and I both thought I had the flu based on all my symptoms, so I was just going to let things get better on their own. Well today is monday and although my body doesn't hurt, my throat is still killing me. So I went to the doctor today(taking Abigail with me since I was watching her today) and found out that I have strep. The doctor was very nice and checked abigail to make sure she didn't have any signs of strep as well since her dad has strep too.
I would like to apologize to anyone I have been around in the last week. If I would have known it was strep, I promise I would have stayed away. Now I am home on the couch watching Pride and Prejudice which I have already watched once this week(it is my favorite movie so it's ok) and getting ready to take my first dose of antibiotics tonight at dinner. For now I will eat another popsicle...
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