Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 8: A Place You Have Traveled

I WILL complete this challenge just not in the intended time frame. Daily blogging is still a little hard for me so I think your going to have to just be patient wait for an every OTHER day blog.

Day 8 is about a place you have traveled. Many places pop in my head when I think of where I have been. When I was younger I went to Ohio every summer to see my extended family. In the youth group we went to Colorado and hiked a mountain. Disney World is of course an all time favorite. To juxtapose that, Joel I went on a weekend Vegas trip this past summer. But if I have to pick my most exciting adventure, it would have to be when I went with my high school band to Europe. Can you believe that?? How crazy is someone to take 90 high schoolers to Europe(not to mention this was only months after the 9-11 attacks)? Not couldn't pay me enough money in the world to do that. But I must thank Mr. Sperry (my band director) for being daring enough (or stupid enough) to take us.

We spent two weeks in the northern part of Europe. We began in Holland, ventured to Germany, then my favorite-Austria, on to Switzerland and ending in France, playing music throughout. When we were not playing concerts we were checking out castles, going to Cathedrals, getting speeding tickets on the autobahn(no joke) and getting attacked by transvestite. We stayed in a total of 5 hotels want to know more about the tranvestite? Figures.

Have you ever heard of the Red Light District? I'm not going to go into detail about what it is, but here is a clean picture of what it looks like.
(If you do not know about this place, it may help if you read about it before continuing with this story. Otherwise you may get a little confused).

Well at the time I didn't know about it, but what I did know was that you were not allowed to go unless your parents were accompanying you on this lovely trip AND were willing to take you there. Guess whose mom was on the trip? That's right, mine! My mom is always up for a little adventure so she was willing to take me along with about 5 other moms who were also willing, yet naive. I had a good friend that was unable to go since his parents were not on the trip so the night we were heading to "the District" he sent me with his video camera. Sweet innocent me didn't think anything of it and began recording everything I saw when we got to the Red Light District. Soon I started hearing the "ladies" tap on their windows, shaking their fingers or fist and closing their curtains. Slowly but surely I realized they were telling me they did not want me video taping. I thought I could fool them all, so I put the video camera under one of my arms (rather than holding it up to my eye) but kept the film rolling. This way my friend could still see what everything was about and I kept the ladies happy. Well turned out those ladies are NOT dumb. They saw the blinking red light and one of those men, I mean ladies, jumped out of her perch, ran up behind me, jumped on my back and began pulling my hair. Before I knew what was going on, the moms, my mom leading the pack, had pulled him/her off me.

Let me just say...
do NOT

After that whole mess ended, we headed back to the hotel. I was terrified and had wet pants so I was VERY ready to get back. I'm not too sure how my friend's video came out, but I think it would be pretty interesting to pull it out some day and watch.

---Based on a true story from Dani Coween's life....if you enjoyed this little excerpt please leave a comment. ;)


Espy said...

That is an amazing story!!

Becca said...

Oh my goodness!! ;o

=) That cracked me up!!!