Friday, November 26, 2010

Day 12-What I Believe

I believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins and that because of that I will get to spend eternity with my Savior.

I believe I am blessed with the best friends and family ever!

I believe that Christmas brings out the happy in people.

I believe that one day God will bless Joel and me with several wonderful kids.

I believe that all sin is equal.

I believe that 4 year olds know alot more than we give them credit for.

I believe that when making a pie, you should not waste your time making the crust. But instead, buy the prepackaged crust and spend the time and effort on making the inards(is that a word?) good.

I believe that one day Maggie and Rocky(Joel's parents new kitten) will get along.

I believe that America is the best place on Earth to live.

And I believe I will eventually finish this 30 day blogging challenge

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