Sunday, November 21, 2010

Day 10-Something You're Afraid Of

Well this is going to sound really weird, but I'm scared of the rapture. I know in my heart that I'm a Christian and I love Jesus Christ, but what if there is one tiny thing I forgot and I get left behind. I know it's just satan trying to get in my brain, but when ever I think about the end of the world, my tummy gets all twisty and yucky feeling.

Also, I'm scared of scary movies. They're fun while you're watching them, but the scary part is later when you're at home by yourself and little sounds and movements start reminding you of the movie. Then you play out a hole scene in your mind of what could happen to you if one of those scenerios came true. I try to steer away from scary movies altogether.


Travis & Meagan Hogg said...

you know I'm right there with ya on this one, friend. :)

Becca said...

I totally used to be scared of the rapture. I'm not sure when that fear vanished but one day I realized that it didn't scare me anymore. I used to fear that Christ would come back before great events in my life... like summer camp (that was when I was liiittle ;p), the birth of my little brother, getting married and having babies, etc. Seems kind of silly, but if there wasn't a good reason for us to stay on earth now we would probably all want to kill ourselves and that would kind of defeat the purpose of our being on the earth ;-)